Thursday, March 6, 2008

How traditional animators worked?

As if now we have computers to design or print any kind of animations we do. As there is a gradual growth or increase in the technology we get everything done through computers.
So I wanted to give the information of how traditional animators used to work and what they used for creating the animations, painting and flashes etc. Non-photo blue pencils are great for doing your initial sketches, because they're just the right shade of pale blue that they tend not to show up on copies when you're transferring your work from paper to clear cels. It is helpful for hand-drawn animations. Drawing pencil set he used mechanical pencils, usually a regular wooden pencil is best. Next is three-holed punched paper. Buying the paper already punched saves the trouble of punching it manually or taping it on to the table, and makes it easier to align pages. Light table or desk has two primary purposes: to retrace your sketched frames, and to sketch new frames as in-betweens. With this you can light your artwork from below to make it transparent and easy. When you're working on a character animation sometimes it's hard to get your paper to line up again after you've removed it from the light table, so having these peg bar helped in getting everything in its proper place. Art gum eraser, cels and transparencies, paints, brushes; color pencils, watercolors, markers and pastels are used.

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